On San Juan Island UPDATE on August 5, Tim Dustrude posted a San Juan Historical Society piece about kids camping out on Brown Island in 1935. How nice to see local history along with current events, Tim. Thank you.
Local waters by photographer J. A. McCormick known to be working in San Juan County as early as 1906. Original photo from the McCormick Collection, S.P.H.S.© |
San Juan Island adults allowed themselves to go a little further north, over to Shaw Island, in 1907, where some adventurers had an unplanned camp out, also in the news.
"We know where Moses was when the lights went out and also where Dr. McKinnis and Will Jakles were when the tide went out Thursday night. They were hunting on Shaw Island when the tide left their launch high and dry ashore. S.M. Bugge and Will Sweeney went out to look for them and found them about 11 o'clock roosting on a log by a camp fire. "Doc", singing in a sonorous bass, "Wait till the tide comes in, Billy, wait till the tide comes in." They thought it would be high enough to float their launch in about two hours, but it wasn't, so they spent all night on the Shaw shore. Oh pshaw! And the OWASEE went back after them Friday morning and brought them home to breakfast."
Text from The San Juan Islander. 16 November 1907. Typed verbatim for S.P.H.S.