"The past actually happened but history is only what someone wrote down." A. Whitney Brown.

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San Juan Archipelago, Washington State, United States
A society formed in 2009 for the purpose of collecting, preserving, celebrating, and disseminating the maritime history of the San Juan Islands and northern Puget Sound area. Check this log for tales from out-of-print publications as well as from members and friends. There are circa 750, often long entries, on a broad range of maritime topics; there are search aids at the bottom of the log. Please ask for permission to use any photo posted on this site. Thank you.



with her first OPALCO
membership meeting
29 April 1968
Photo by P. Liddell
from the archives of the 
Saltwater People Historical Society©

"Somehow, as the big green and white vessel probed its way through the maze of 192 San Juan Islands, the idea became plausible––even sensible.
        Sure, why shouldn't the islanders hold their annual meeting aboard the ferry? How else could they get together?
        The sun started its slow descent into a pink horizon as the ferry Evergreen State churned out of Anacortes to be host on its most unusual assignment--host to the 31st annual membership meeting of the all-island Orcas Power and Light Co.
        Most of the islanders belong to the homespun cooperation, which has the tricky task of providing electricity for 10 of the larger islands, so the ferry had quite a few stops to make for a quorum.
        The ferry crossed Rosario Strait, slipped between Decatur and Blakely Islands, and maneuvered for the first pickup at Lopez Island. About 130 members scrambled aboard, chattering loudly about the Big Event.
        Then on to Shaw, Orcas, and San Juan Island, where the boat was filled to overflow capacity.
        The meeting, two-thirds social and one-third business, was held as the ferry crossed from Friday Harbor on San Juan to Lopez.
        Otis Perkins, president of the cooperative, welcomed the crowd of 435 over a public address system that was not powered by OPALCO electricity. Someone must have stepped on the circuit because static almost overwhelmed Perkins' remarks.
        Minutes from the previous meeting were quickly dismissed. Everyone had attended last year anyway.
        The treasurer's report was brief. A printed annual report already had been distributed.
        Robert J. Scharnhorst, manager of the cooperative, promised further rate reductions, better service, and increased margins (profits are called margins in cooperatives) in the coming year.
        Scharnhorst then announced that the drawing for prizes–– a stimulus for heavy attendance at the meeting--would begin. Heads turned, and the white-haired lady who had been knitting put down her needles and grabbed a numbered ticket stub.
        Forty-six goodies, mostly electrical, were raffled.
        A rugged-looking man from Orcas Island walked off with an electric blanket.
        A dancing teacher won a case of motor oil.
        An electric corn popper went to a man from Shaw Island.

        And a gentleman from San Juan Island picked up one round-trip flight to Bellingham aboard one of Friday Harbor's float planes. 
        The crowd was excited now, so the officials interrupted the drawing to elect a few trustees and introduce the guest speaker, Ferris Gilkey, a Bonneville Power Administration representative.
        Then the remaining prizes were given away and the meeting was adjourned.
        As the ferry retraced its route through the dark to deliver members to their islands, Scharnhorst explained that attendance at this year's meeting was a bit down from the previous session. 
        'There was a wedding and high-school prom on Orcas Island."
Words by Marty Loken for the Seattle Times. 1968.


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