San Juan Archipelago, Washington State, United States
A society formed in 2009 for the purpose of collecting, preserving, celebrating, and disseminating the maritime history of the San Juan Islands and northern Puget Sound area.
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LAUNCHINGS (149) In the SAN JUAN ISLANDS. Work in progress.
AFFINITY (Official Number 211467) 33.8' x 9.5' x 4.2' ; 8.81 G.t., 5.99 N.t. Blt by & for L.P. Schruder at Richardson, 1913. MCC on file.
AILSA (107856) 31.' x 10.3' x 4.5' ; 9 t. burden, Ketch blt by R. C. Willis at Olga, WA., for C. B. Willis. No house. Compl. 1903, MCC on file.
ALCO 40' x 11.8' x 5', Fish tender blt by E. B."Bert" Fowler, Shaw Island, for Alaska Sanitary Packing Co. of Seattle, 1917. Reported lost to fire, Juneau, AK 1927, 5 escaped. MCC on file.
ALERT (107479) Sch. of 8 T. burden by A.F. Ackley for self and Thomas Ackley at Fri. Hbr. 1899. MCC on file.
ALOMA (243877) 25.36 G.t./ 17 N.t. Fish 46.8' x 12.5' x 6.7' by Norman F. Mills at Fri. Hbr., for N. & T. Mills, of Beach, WA. 1943. MCC on file.
ALPHA (107658) 53.9' x 14.2' x 6.4' Stmr for Inland frt., blt by A. Marcusen, Richardson, Lopez Is., 16 n. tons, for builder & D.N. McMillen, P. Benseth, W. A. Frisby, 1901, MCC on file.
AMANTE (291083) 24 G.t. /17 N.t., 38.7' x 14.' x 5.8' Ycht blt for M./M. Alfred A. Lambeth of Bellevue by Jensen Shipyard of Fri. Hbr., 1964
AMAZONE (107645) 30' x 9.9' x 4' Sloop blt. by M. Norman at Richardson, WA. for Carl Olsen & Mathew Martin 1901. MCC on file.
ANIAKCHAK (231258) 43.4' x 11.3' x 6' fish boat blt. by I. D. Nordyke at Fri Harbor for self 1931. MCC on file.
ANNE H. (211391) 51' x 13.8' x 4' , 25 G. t. & 17 N. t. Blt Fri. Hbr by Albert Jensen for Steel Bros., 1913. MCC on file.
ANNIE B. (202177) 37.5' x 11.2' x 3.7' Gas. sc. blt. by Wm. H. F. Reed of Decatur Is., for John Babarovich of Anacortes 1905. MCC on file.
ARTHUR G. (107619) 34.5' Tug/Tndr blt on Fisherman Bay, Lopez Is., by D.E. Hoffman, commuting from Shaw Is., for J. S. Groll, Lopez Is., 1901. MCC on file.
BALDY (204064) 55.2' x 14.1' x 5.4' ; 7 n. t. fishboat blt by M. Norman, Richardson, Lopez Is. 1907. MCC on file.
BÅTEN Near 20' wood plsr craft designed by S.J. Islander Jay Benford, launched by Jensen/ Sons, SJ Is. for Anderson & Adams then of Crane Is. 5 April 1978.
BERMUDA (206177) 47.15' L x 11.8' B Tug/fish tndr blt. by D.E. Hoffman, Shaw Is., for 3 Fowler bros. of Shaw Island, E.B., Jr., B.E., & W.O., 1909. MCC on file.
BLACK MARIE fine launch by Reed's, Decatur Is., for T.W. Wilson. 1909.
BLAKELY (235543) 41.9' x 12.2' x 6.4' fish boat 23 G.t., 15 N.t. blt by R. S. Spencer for R.S. Spencer and E. D. Spencer at Thatcher, WA. 1936. MCC on file. In 1964 her home port was Los Ang., CA.
BLUE SEA (215357) 42.3 Reg. L' x 14' x 6.2' fish boat blt by F. E."Gene" Fowler of Shaw Is. for San Juan Canning Co. 1917. Wrecked AK in 1928. MCC on file.
BUDDY (232345) 40' x 11.2' x 6', 14 G. 9 N. fish boat blt by Albert Jensen, Fri. Hbr., for Chester Tift of same. 1933. MCC on file.
BUFFALO blt. at Reed's yard, Decatur for Mr. Gandy. Later owned by Henry T. Cayou of Deer Hbr., Orcas Is., 1907.
CALCITE (206056) 43' x 13.3' x 4' ; Towboat blt by P. Schruder & son, Lopez Is. in only 2.5 mnths for Roche Hbr. Lime Co. 27 Mar. 1907.
CAPRICE (201965) Gas s. 13.73 G./ 9.34 N. / 50.4' x 11.8' x 4.6' Fish bt blt by Wm H.F. Reed on Decatur Is. for Fidalgo Is. Canning Co. 1905. MCC on file.
CHARLIE BOY 32' L, 12 Ton Steel hull gillnetter b. 1969 by owner Pierre Franklin of Lopez Is. Christening and potluck at Odlin Park. To be shipped to Bristol Bay.
CILSIDE 50' x 12' x 5.6' frt. boat blt. by P. Schruder & son, Lopez Is, for Roche Harbor Lime Co, S.J. Is. 1907.
CITY OF ANACORTES (O.N. 206462) 58.8' L x 12.2' x 3.5' ; 15 G.t. Passenger designed by Wm. H.F. Reed /blt. under his direction on Decatur Is., for R. L. Fullerton(1/2) & Norman L. Driggs (1/2) of S. J. Is. (Inland Pass.& Expr. Co.) Presented by Caring Peterson summer 1909. Lost in AK., 1933. MCC on file.
COMMANDO (ex-TRIO) 209486; 52' x 16.3' x 6.6' ; for shrimping then conv. to Tug for Cary-Davis. Blt. by Wm. H. F. Reed, Decatur Is., for Walter Larson (1/3), Oscar Cammon (1/3), & Martin Cammon (1/3) all of Gertrude, WA. 1911. MCC on file.
CONCORDIA (204567) 45' x 7 x 2.6', 7 T. burden, Pass. vessel with 60-H.P. blt. by R. L. Fullerton of Fr. Hbr. at Decautur Is., for Fullerton & C.W. Johnson (1/2 & 1/2) 1907, MCC on file.
CONFIDENCE (127121) 31.4' x 11.2' x 3.6', 8 T. burden sloop blt. by/for P. Schruder at Richardson, Lopez Is. 1896, MCC on file.
CORCOVADO 37' Pilothouse cutter blt by John Guzzwell of Orcas is., WA (J.R. Benford design No. 125) for Hal Cook of Orcas Is. Launched 15 Sept. 1979.
CREEL (202902) 50' x 12.8' x 4.7' Frt. boat blt. by Wm. H.F. Reed at Decatur Isl. for Fidalgo Is. Packing Co. 1906, MCC on file.
DARING (224495) 43.1' x 10.3' x 5.5' 15 G.t., 10.62 N.t; fish blt by Wm. H.F. Reed & J.M. Reed on Decatur Is., for Wm. H.F. Reed, 1925. MCC on file.
DEEP SEA ( 218145) 52 G.t./35 N.t. (70.6' x 16.' x 6.5' ) Fish tender/tug Blt. by Albert Jensen, Friday Hbr. WA. on file. Lost at Anchor., AK in 1942.
DENNY M. (260098) 39.6' x 12.4' x 6.3' Fish Bt 20 G.t./ 13 N.t.,blt at Jensens Yard, Fri. Hbr., for Ed Martel 1950.
DOLPHIN 32' cruiser blt by Albert Jensen & Son Shipyard, SJ Is. 1938 for Ted Blodgett of Orcas Is., for fishing parties at Dolphin Bay.
DOLPHIN BAY 43.3' x 13' x 7.5' oil sc. by Nourdine Jensen, Fri. Hbr. Heavy cruiser des. by William Garden blt for John M. & Ann L. Sorenson of Seattle, WA. 1951. Value $20,000. MCC on file.
DORA (216384) 38.5' x 11.1' x 5'; G.t. 12.65/ N.t. 10.69 Blt by Wilhelm Sebelin at McKay Hbr., Richardson, WA. for Sebelin Bros. 1918. MCC on file.
DUCHESS 24' 8-in cruiser by Albert Jensen Shipyard for E.D. Roberts . Design by Frits Jensen of Seattle. 1957.
ECHO (222201) 41' R.L x 12.5' x 5'; 18.01 G.t. 14.02 / N. t. Blt by J.W. White on Sucia Island for self. 1922. MCC on file.
EDNA 32' x 7.1' Pass/frt with 10-HP Campbell engine by D.E. Hoffman, Shaw Is. for Wm. Jakle of Friday Hbr., April 1908.
ELDRIE J. Launched at Reed's yard, Decatur Is., for Mr. Judy. Their largest to date. 27 April 1907. For AK.
ELLA MARIE 42' x 14' x 4' Yacht Designed by Ed Monk; Nourdine Jensen's 14th ship built at Friday Hbr., WA. 1970. Owned by Pug. Snd. Pilot, Capt. Leonard Davis of Lopez Is.
EMMA H. (240674) Ga. sc. 19 G. t. 13 N. t. 39.4' x 11.9' x 6.5' Fish boat blt by Alb. Jensen at Fri. Hbr. for Sigvard Hansen of Ketchikan, AK. 1941.
ERBANA (169243) Ga.s. 10.38 G.t., 39.1' x 10.3' x 3' Scow blt. by A.T. Erb of/at Pt. Stanley, Lopez Is. 1925. MCC on file.
ETHEL M. (269819) 32.31' x 11.1' x 5.1' fish Blt at Jensens for Kenneth Martin. 1955.
EVELYN (211378) 15 G.t./10 N.t. Gas. s. 39' x 13' x 4.2' fish boat blt. Richardson in 1913.
FAIRBANKS (222940) Ga.s. 59.5' x 18.5' x 8.6' ; 55.47 G.t. / 37.72 N.t. Blt by Albert Jensen for Ira Nordyke of Fri. Hbr. 100-H.P. Oil Burner, 1923. MCC on file.
FALCON (216360) 38.4' x 9' x 4.4' blt. by E.B. Fowler on Shaw Is. for Alaska Sanitary Packing of Seattle, 1918. MCC on file.
FAWN (ON 121132) 37' x 10.4' x 4.3', 11 G., 7 N. t. burden steam fishboat. Launched 12 April 1900 by J. Jones/J. M. Reed at Decatur Is., Model by Wm. H.F. Reed. Heading to AK. MCC on file.
FEARLESS (210192) 80' x 17.4' x 8' Fish Tender Blt. by Wm. H.F. Reed on Decatur Is. 1912 for Henry T. Cayou (sole owner). Lost in AK in 1960. Clyde Welcome drowned. MCC on file.
FIDALGO (228387) 36.1' x 11.2' x 5.2'/ 13 G.t. / 9 N.t. Blt by L.P. Schruder at Pt. Stanley, Lopez Is, for Salina Packing Co.,1929. MCC on file.
FRAM (121059) 28.7' x 8.9' x 3.8' sloop blt. by and for P. Schruder at Richardson, Lopez Is. 1897, MCC on file.
FRANCES (209053) 9 G.t/ 9 N.t. 30' x 8.4' x 4.4' Slp blt. Lopez Is. 1911
FREDDIE blt. on Decatur Is. for Wm. H. F. Reed & Wiley Perry, 1908.
FREDDIE II (211495) Launch 42' x 12' x 6.4', blt. by Wm. H.F. Reed of Decatur Is., 7/1913.
GOGEBIC (219935) 12.7 G.t./ 10.23 N.t. 40.2' x 10.9' x 4.1' Tow bt blt by Albert Jensen, Friday Hbr. for John F. Malcom in 1920. MCC on file.
GRIFFIN ( 86473) 11 g. tons Tender/Tow boat 46' x 11.2' x 4.5' blt by Albert Jensen & father Benjamin, Friday Hbr, 1899. Name change to MacDOWELL. Lost to fire.
GRIZZLY (O.N. 209663) 19 tons 62.6' x 14.7' x 5.21' blt. 1912 by Albert Jensen for Frank Nordland. MCC on file.
GROWLER 62' L, 58 t. Sch. blt by John M. Izett for Capt. Edw. J. Barrington, Whidbey Island, WA. 1859. Lost 1868.
HECTOR (O.N. 96374). fish tender 41.7' x 9' x 3'. Blt by James Holden at Roche Hbr, S.J. for self 1897. Explosion/fire in 1913 but still documented in 1915.MCC on file.
HELEN T. (ON 208930) 51.4' x 15.2' x 5.5' 32 G.t. Fish Tender blt. by Wm. H. F. Reed on Decatur Is. for Henry T. Cayou, Orcas Is., 1911. MCC on file.
IMP (ON 200873) 36.1' x 9.1' x 4' Gas. sc. by P. Schruder & son at Richardson, Lopez Is., for Wm. Frisby, 1903, MCC on file.
ISLAND FERRY (294806) Frt. service. 52.3' x 216.2' x 2.1'. Blt by Harold Bartrum on Blakely Island in 1964.
ISLANDER (221640) 91.6' x 21.1' x 7.2' Gas sc. Passenger boat designed/built by Albert Jensen, SJ Is., for San Juan Transp. Co., 1921. Capt. "Charlie B". MCC on file.
ISLANDER (O.N.201240) 72' x 18.9' x 9' , 87 N.t. burden passenger boat blt. by J.A. Scribner of Fr. Hbr. at Newhall, Orcas Is., for Andrew Newhall, 1904. MCC on file.
JEAN G. (233602) Ga.s. 29.4' x 8.1' x 3.8' Pass. blt at Pt. Stanley, Lopez in 1928.
KATY THOMAS (O.N. 161054) 38.1' x 12' x 3.6' Fishing Sloop blt. by A. J. Hinckley on Waldron Island for Thomas Bros. of Waldron Is., in 1894. MCC on file.
KITTY RADER 34' fish boat b. by A.R. Rader, Shaw Is., for John Ross 1883.
KLATAWA ( O.N. 210245) 50.2' L x 15.8' B x 4.8' D Tug/tender b. by D.E. Hoffman, Shaw Island, WA. 1912 for Wm. Jakles, F.Hbr. MCC on file.
LA OLA 248669 (43' x 11.5') Ycht blt. by/for John G. Jones under superv. of Jensens. Fri. Hbr. Two 100-HP Cummings diesels. 1945.
LADY ESTHER (256465) 32 G.t., 47.2' x 13.2' x 6.2' Ycht blt by Nourdine Jensen, Fri. Hbr. for Arthur W. & Ester Carlson1948. MCC on file.
LITTLE BIT (237843) Aux. sail Pls. boat 30.25' x 10.15' x 4.45' Blt by Lars Erickson at Fri. Hbr. for Launor M. Carter of Seattle. Value $3,500. 1938. MCC on file.
LOBO DEL MAR 38' Fish tender built c. 1980. Designer, builder, owner, Tom Chamberlin, of Lopez Is.
LOPEZ (162322) 40' x 16' x 3' 15.59 t. burden Scow blt by James Meiklejohn for Lopez Lumber Co., Lopez Is. 1904, MCC on file.
LOPEZ NO. 2 (29' x 10' x 2.6') scow blt by James Meiklejohn of Lopez Is. for Lopez Lumber Co. 1911. MCC on file.
LORNA (280970) 31.9' x 11.5' x 5.8' Fsh boat blt by Jensens, Fri. Hbr., for P.A.F., Bellingham 1960.
LOTTIE (140599) Stm.s. 45.19 G.t./30.17 N.t. 50' x 14' x 4.6' Blt. on Cypress Is., SJC by E. Hammond for A. J. Edward in 1882. Well known stmr that worked out of Vict. MCC on file.
MAGGIE (91108) Sch. 30.26 G.t./ 30.26 N.t., 55.5' x 15.2' x 4.6' blt on Samish Island, WA. 1878.
MARGGE (201764) 30.6' x 10.4' x 3.7' sloop blt. by Wm. H.F. Reed at Decatur Is., for John L. Abrams of Decatur Is., 1905. MCC on file.
MARINER (207667) 61.5' x 13.1' x 5' Blt. and owned by Al Jensen, 1910 of S.J. Is. Lost on Iceberg Pt. in 1911.
MARS (93386) 38' x 12.6' x 5.2' Sloop blt by M. Norman for himself at Richardson, Lopez Is., 1903. MCC on file.
MARY C. (93374) 70.7' x 18.3' x 8.8' ; 92.52 G.t, 47 N.t., 380-HP Steam s. tug blt. by Wm H. F. Reed 1/2 owner with H. T. Cayou at Decatur Is. First boat blt by Reed at this yard, 1903. MCC on file.
MARY F. PERLEY (92047) Sternwhlr 104' x 20' x 5.5' blt Samish Island, WA. 1888.
MAUDE (113.5' L. x 21' B x 9' D. 214 tons gross) Sidewheel Steamer b. 1872 on S. J. Is. by Burr & Smith for J. Spratt, East Coast Mail Line of Victoria, BC. Scrapped 1914.
MESSENGER (93260) Inland tow bt 25 G.t., 15. N.t. 52.5' x 15.' x 4.9' by Albert Jensen and bros. in Fri. Hbr. in 1902. Ran for 3 yrs. Sold to AK /Lost.
MIDA fish boat blt. at Jensens yard Fri. Hbr. for Ed Pinnow in 1971.
MONAGHAN (208815) 56.2' x 14' x 5.8', 36 G.t, 25 N.t. Freight/ fishing boat b. 1911 at Orcas, WA. by Chas. H. Curry. With Capt. R. Griswold, Shaw Island, she brought to shore many bodies from the 1918 Vanderbilt Reef wreck of the PRINCESS SOPHIA. Lost 1963 Ketchikan, AK. MCC on file.
NELLIE (130865) 38.8' x 11' x 3.7' Schooner blt by A. Ohlert at Olga, WA. for self in 1900, MCC on file.
NELLIE JENSEN (130710) 54 G.t, 59.8' x 19.2' x 6.7' St. Schooner b. by B. Jensen of S.J. Is. for Joe, Al, & Frank Jensen. 1896 MCC on file. See PNW wrecks below.
NEMESIS b. by L.P. Schruder on Lopez Is. July 1909
NEREID (209491) 72.7' x 16.75'. Fish tender blt. by Albert Jensen 1911, S.J. Is. for himself. Source: federal MCC on file.
NETTIE BELLE (130800) 35.4' x 12' x 4.9' Sch. blt by A. Ohlert for self in 1898, MCC on file.
NOKOMIS (205152) 52.4' x 11.2' Gas Sc. fish boat designed by C.H. Clift, Jr., built by F. L. Clift on Shaw Is. for C. H. Clift of Orcas Is. and D. Campbell of Bellingham, WA. 1908, MCC on file.
NORINE (204248) 36' x 8' x 3.9', 5.51 n.t. burden, Gas sc. by Wm. H. F. Reed at Decatur Is., for The Taylor Hotel Co., Inc. in 1907, MCC on file.
NORTH STAR (130452) 39' x 11' x 3.5', 12 t. burden. Sch. blt by B. Jensen on San Juan Is. for Peter Jensen in 1889. MCC on file
OCTOO (205743) 38' x 11' blt 1908 at Reed's Yard on Decatur Is. for Seattle Oyster & Fish Co.
OLENA (218838) 9.56 G.t. 32.5' x 8.3' x 4.8' blt by V. F. Coder at Pt. Stanley in 1919. MCC on file.
ORCAS (19392) 37.7' x 13.1' x 4.1', 10.77 G.t. Sch., blt by Daniel & Robert McLachlan at Langdon, Orcas Is. for Lime business at Estsound Kiln. Launched 1871.
ORCAS BELLE (274551) 45.9' x 14' x 5.8'. Sailing yacht blt. by Chet North, Deer Hbr., Orcas Is., for Chris Wilkins 1957, Designed by Wm Garden.
ORLOU (206804) 35' x 11' x 3.8' Shrimp boat, sister to OCTOO; blt. Decatur Island for Seattle Oyster Co. Christened by Katie Krider, 1909.
OSAGE (230256) 59.1' x 14.7' x 7.7' Oil sc. Mail, freight, passenger boat blt 1930 by and for Wm. H. F. Reed on Decatur Is., WA. MCC on file.
OTTER 33' x 7' x 3' by and for Capt. L.P. Schruder /15 H.P. Buffalo, May 1908 Lopez Is. Christened by owner/builder's sister, Jessie.
OWASEE , launch with 10-HP Campbell engine for S. M. Bugge by Ed Scribner. Launched foot of Spring St April 1907.
PARADISE (225569) 59.2' x 16.2' x 7.5' 51 G.t. /34 N.t. fish boat blt by J.M. Reed and Elmer Barger in Anacortes in 1926.
PATRICIA (34' x 11.3 ) Blt by Jensen, Friday Hbr for J.G, Jones as a gillnetter then conv. to a troller. June 1965.
PEGGY R. c. 25-ft tug built by Nourdine Jensen of Fri. Hbr. for Maurice Rodenberger of Orcas Island, c. 1956. Later renamed the HARRY FRANCES BODDINGTON . Sold back to Rodenberger family in 2005.
PEGGY SUE (261547) 39.2' x 11.8' x 6.1') 19 G.t. Fish boat blt. Lopez Is. 1961
PROSPECTOR (150468) 32' x 12.8' x 4' Sloop blt by A.W. Thomas for himself and brother on Cypress Is. in 1889. MCC on file.
PROTECTOR (226927) 42.3' x 12.2' x 5.9' ; 50 G.t./ 14 N.t. Blt by J.M. Reed of Anacortes on Decatur Is. for J.M. Reed. Value-$5,000. MCC on file.
PUFFIN (506547) 44.1' x 15.1' x 8.7' Ycht blt. at Jensens, Fri. Hbr. 1966
RELIANCE (205170) 30.8' x 10' x 4.5', 7 t. burden sloop by D.E. Hoffman, Shaw Is. for A. Lauson for codfishing AK. MCC on file, 5 Sept. 1907.
ROSEBUD (210899) 43.2' Reg. L x 12.3' x 3.75' /14 G.t./ 10 N.t. Blt by Albert Jensen of Fri. Hbr. for Ira D. Nordyke. 1913. MCC on file.
RUSSWIN (257327) 19 G.t., 37.3' x 11.6' x 6.1' blt by Jensens, Fri. Hbr., for Doc Frank C. Russell 1949.
RUSTLER (110606) 50' x 16.6' x 5.8' Schooner blt. 1883 by/ for J. N. Fry, East Sound, WA. Later sold to J.D. Warren for Sealing in North. Wrecked Boxing Day 1887 at Nitnat. Capt. J.W. Dodd and crew saved. MCC on file.
RUTH M. (216204) 31.3' x 9.0' x 4.8' /5.43 tons burden blt by L. P. Schruder of Mud Bay, Lopez Is., for O. L. Ahlquist, 1918. MCC on file.
SANCO (214983) 40' reg. x 11.8' x 5' ; Gas screw blt. by E. B. Fowler of Shaw Is. for Alaska Sanitary Packing Co. of Seattle 1917. MCC on file.
SANWAN 219 T. 107.6' Reg. L x 26' x 15.1' Aux. schooner designed & blt under direction of Rbt. Moran at Rosario, Orcas Is., 1912-1917. Hundreds came to the launching incl. the Pug. Snd. Navy Yard and Prof. E. Meany. MCC on file.
SARA JANE (255768) 17 G.t. / 14 N.t., 36.7' x 11.1' x 5.9' blt. by Nourdine Jensen, princ. carp. of Albert Jensen & Sons, Fri. Hbr., for Dr. James J. Frits 1948. MCC on file.
SEA BIRD (254837) 34.2' x 10.6' x 5.4' Deep sea troller b. 1948 at Albert Jensen Yard, S.J. Is., for Alfred & Barney Chevalier of Stuart Is.
SEA GULL 32', 10HP, Cabin launch b. 1903 by D.E. Hoffman for Weeks bros. of Lopez.
SEA LION (216502) 30.3' x 9.6' x 4.4' ; Ga. sc. 6.87 Tons burden Blt by L.P. Schruder of Mud Bay, WA. for Harry Peterson of Tacoma. 1918. MCC on file.
SHAW (210357) 36.1' x 12.7' x 4' Frt. 11 G.t. 7 N.t. ("Not too pretty.") By F. Gene Fowler. On Shaw 12 July 1912, photo on file.
SINBAD (243428) 32.9' L x 9.3' B blt 1943 by Art Hoffman of Shaw Is. for himself. New name SNOOSE. USCG Vessel Lic. on file.
SKIDDOO c. 32' fish boat Launched 5 Jan. 1911 at Reed's Shipyard, Decatur Is. 1st powerboat for Henry Cayou. Lost to fire Mitchell Bay, in 1920s or 30s. Bruns family photo on file.
SPANNER (ex-STUBBY) by C. North at Deer Hbr, for Bill "Mississippi" Toler as 24-ft boom boat, for Orcas work.
STEADFAST (269544) 32.7' x 11.1' x 5.1' Fsh bt. 13 G.t./ 10 N.t. Blt at Jensen's Yard, Fri. Hbr. for Jim Spencer of Lopez Is. 1955
STRUMPET (539162) 32.9' x 12.6' x 5.2' troller des. by Jay Benford, blt by Jensen Yard for Ernie Gann 1972.
STUBBY 24' tug built by Chet North, Deer Harbor, for Bill "Mississippi" Toler. Mark Freeman named her Spanner when he bought her in 1982.
TANYA (232155) 33.4' x 9.' x 4.4' Fsh boat blt Mud Bay in 1927.
TASMANIA (208577) 33.9' x 9.6' x 3.7' ; Blt by Wm. H.F. Reed on Decatur Is. for S.S. Spencer (1/3), R.D. Spencer (1/3), W. V. Spencer (1/3). 1911 MCC on file.
TRANSPORT Frt boat 35.7' x 11.8' x 3' / 11.18 Net and 11.18 G. tons. Blt. by/ for L.P. Schruder of Mud Bay, WA (sole owner). 1911. MCC on file.
TULIP KING (228881) 41.8' x 11.4' x 5.3', 21.15 G/t. 14.38 N.t., Passenger boat. Blt on Sucia Is. by / for Wm. H. "Cap" Harnden 1929.Value $6,000. MCC on file.
U and I 28' x 8' aux. launch with 7.5 HP Miamus engine at L. P. Schruder boat yard, Lopez Is. in 1912 for Geo. T. Peterson who will fish at Cape Flattery.
UNO Small launch built 1894 by Michael Norman at Mud Bay, Lopez Is. Steaming with owner Stephanie Hylton since 1973.
VELVET (265677) 37 G. t. 46.8' x 14.1' x 8.1' Crab fish boat b. by Albert Jensen & Sons for E/N Peacock, launched Nov. 1952.
VENTURE (204609) 70.5' x 15.3' 36 G.t. tender blt. by Al, Frank, Joe Jensen, 1907. Coal burner, later conv. to diesel. Later in towing service and then to Foss Launch & Tug as HILDUR FOSS.
VENUS (204019) Scr. stm passenger 149 G, 101 N, 117.6' x 21' x 6.3'. Blt. by T.H. McMillin of Ballard; at Fri. Hbr. for self and Clifford C. Griggs, 1907. Sold in 1910, soon after lost to fire. MCC on file.
VERDUN ( 217946) 33.9' R.L. x 10' x 4' fish boat blt. by Frank Jensen, Fri. Hbr., WA. For Frank and Joseph Jensen (1/2 &1/2) 1919. First used trolling in S. E. AK. MCC on file.
VIBES (233120) 38.95' x 10.6' x 5.3', 14 G., 9 N. Fsh boat blt. by Alphonse Meyer of Oak Hbr. on Decatur Is. for Roy E. Erb & N.G. Miller (1/2 & 1/2) by Alphonse Meyer of Oak Harbor, WA. Value $4,500.1934. MCC on file.
VINA (232568) 28.95' x 9.05' x 4', 7.48 G.t. fsh boat blt by/ for Victor Wesander of Pt. Stanley, Lopez 1932. MCC on file.
WADENA (210020) 50.4' reg. L x 13.8' x 5' ga.s. 24 G.t., 16 N.t., 30-HP Fish boat blt. by Albert Jensen, Fri. Hbr. for Straits Fish Co. 1912. MCC on file.
WAMEGA (210023) 57.8' x 13.8' x 5' Gs.s. 24 G., 16 N.t. Fish boat blt by Albert Jensen for Straits Fish Co. 1912. MCC on file.
WANDERER (209488) Fsh tender; Orig. a Schooner 43.5' x 12' x 4.4' , 14-tons burden. Blt by S. V. Blake of Pt. Stanley on Decatur Island, 1911 for SELF. MCC on file.
WASECA (210021) 50.4' Reg. L x 13.8' x 5' Gas s. 24 G.t. Fish boat blt by Albert Jensen for Straits Fish Co. in 1912. MCC on file.
WATER BABY (239444) 46' x 11' x 6' Fish boat by Albert Jensen of Albert Jensen & Sons, Fri. Hbr. for Clyde Welcome, 1940. MCC on file.
WAUNETA (210022) 50' Reg. L x 13.8' x 5' Gas. s. 24 G.t., 16 N. Fish boat blt by Albert Jensen for Straits Fish Co. in 1912. MCC on file.
WAVE (204697) 42.4' x 10.3' x 4.4' Pass. launch blt by Wm. H.F. Reed on Decatur Is., for Maurice Johnson (sole owner) of Deer Harbor. 1907, MCC on file.Home port of St. Michael, AK.
WILDFIRE (227233) Gas. s. 8 G.t. 34.2' x 10' x 4' Fsh boat blt on Guemes Is. in 1924.
WINDENTIDE (265894) 39' x 10.8' x 5.8', 14 G.t., 11 N.t., fishing troller blt. by & for Chet North, Deer Hbr, WA. 1953.
Shipwrecks of the San Juan Archipelago and Northwest Corner of Washington State (29) to date.)
ALBION gasoline tender blt Coupeville 1897 lost to fire on the Sound 9/1924. First steamer on Seattle-Everett-Whidbey Is. route, blt by H.B. Lovejoy. Two on board escaped fire.
AMERICA (105439) 232.8' x 43.1' x 19.3' three-masted full-rigged Cape Horner blt. Quincy, Mass. 1874. Capt. James Griffiths bound Vanc., BC with coal in tow of tug LORNE. Lost on rocks of West San Juan Island, 1914.
BRISTOL (227502) 60' x 17.2' x 7.4' , Capt. E. W. Chevalier, working as mailboat when lost in collision in San Juans. Cold, wet crew but no loss of life. Some mail sacks later found on beaches. 1960.
CHICKAWANA (210031) Ol.s. 55.4' x 12.9' x 5.1' blt. 1912. Operated by Bellingham Transp. Co. for many years with a 4th Class Post Office on board. Lost to fire on mail run from Stuart Is. to Waldron. Owned by Mason Lewis. No loss of life. 1948.
FANNY LAKE (120220) Paddle stmr 91'. x 20.8' x 4.8' blt. Seattle 1875. Burned in Sullivan Slough, nr LaConner. 1893.
FEARLESS (210192) blt on Decatur Is. lost with 4 fishermen nr Kodiak, AK. 2/1960
GENERAL HARNEY Numerous wrecks in past. Last was en route Dungeness to Whatcom, Capt. W.G. Clarke of Seattle. Stranded and lost on Goose Island, SJC. 1889
GOVERNOR: Steamship rammed by WEST HARTLAND, near Port Townsend, WA. Loss of life c. 10 people. Please see the blog under "Wrecks". Lost 1921.
H. C. PAGE c. 70' blt at New Whatcom in 1854 by Will. Utter, her master Henry Roeder, & P. V. Peabody for the Bell'hm Bay & Vict. trade. Wrecked 1860 en route from Pt. Ludlow to Vict., caught in tide rip 4 mi. SE of Trial Is. Deck load shifted, she filled, capsized. Later drifted ashore on Whidbey nr. Decept. Pass.
HOOSIER BOY (96409) 31 G. t., blt 1898 for Coast Fish Co. of Anacortes. Lost on Salmon Banks no lives lost. Crew came ashore on life line. 1911.
J. B. LIBBY (13464) Paddlewheel pioneer steamer blt Utsalady 1863, wrecked 10 miles off Whidbey Island between Smith and S.J. Is, Capt. Frank White. Owned by H.F. Beecher. 1889.
LIBBY former mail, frgt, pass. boat to islands. Loaded with Roche Hbr lime; lost in straits to Pt. Tnsd. No lives lost. 1942.
MARINER (207667) 61.5' Tug blt by Albert Jensen of Fri. Hbr. in 1910. Lost on Iceberg Pt., Lopez Island Jan. 1911.
MARTHA FOSS (157183) 87.5' x 22.4' tug owned by Foss Launch and Tug blt. 1886. Lost in collision off Ediz Hook. Loss of 2nd eng. Nelson H. Gillette. 1946.
MICHAEL J. 35' gillnetter owned by John Jackson Cannery sank at Salmon Banks in 300' of water. Aug. 1955
MURIA (215186) 50.9' x 14' x 6' Purse Seiner blt. 1917 at Dockton. Owned by Crosby bros. and John Jackson of Fri. Hbr. Lost in Andrew's Bay. 1950.
NELLIE JENSEN Blt in 1896 by Jensen Ros. Driven ashore at Freshwater Bay, 8-mi west of Pt. Angeles, in gale 2-1905. Destroyed by fire. Owner,Capt. Benjamin, all saved.
NORTHERN LIGHT Lost during a gale on 31 Mar. 1967 on rocks near Hibbard's Lime Kiln; Bound for the kiln for a lime cargo. Source: Puget Snd Weekly Gazette, 1867.
Nellie Coleman (130285) Schooner 97.9' x 25.7' x 9.5' blt 1883, Lamoine, Hancock County, ME. lost with all hands (c. 30) Nov. 1905 Cape Yakataga. Owned by Seattle & AK Codfish Co. of Seattle, value $20,000.
ONTARIO, Sch. owned by H.L. Tibbals, sailed by James McCurdy, parted moorings 25 Mar. 1875. Driven on rocks and wrecked on San Juan Is.
PROWLER Tender lost south of Smith Island with 12-T. of salmon. Crew lifted off by US Navy helicopter. July 1976.
RAINBOW, 26' Motor Whale Boat MK II. 26' x 7.2.5' Blt by Blind Bay Boat Shop, SJC, for John M. Campbell. Delivered 12/2006.
ROCK RUNNER 35' Charter cruiser to fire in Fri. Hbr. Loss of 1 man aboard and 1 volunteer. 1970.
ROSALIE famous darling of the P.S.N. Co. which served the Alaska goldrush miners as well as SJC residents. Lost to fire in Duwamish waterway. 1893 -1918. Loss est. at $70,000.
SAN JUAN II, Reliable mailboat owned by Charlie Maxwell, skippered by Capt. Geo. Nelson, swept on rocks near Olga, WA. No lives lost, some mailbags later found on local beaches. 1929
SEA LION Powerful 107' x 22' steel tug blt 1904 in Aberdeen. Rammed by the schooner OCEANA VANCE and sent to the bottom of the Strait of Juan de Fuca near Race Rocks towing a scow load of Waldron Is. sandstone to Grays Hbr. Crew saved. 1909.
T. W. LAKE (145700) 70.6' x 16.5' x 7.8' St. s. blt in Ballard in 1895 for Capt. T.W. Lake, father of Mrs. Driggs of Fri. Hbr. Owned by Merchants Trans. Co., Capt. E.E. Mason. Winds 72-mph when lost with 8-tons of canned goods and 500 barrels of lime between Shannon Pt. and Decatur Island. Valued at $20,000. All hands lost, c. 13. Dec. 1923.
TRANSPORT, Capt. Ira Myers. Blt. in Oly. in 1899, 111' x 21'. Owned by Star Steamship Co. Total loss of ship, 2nd engineer, 1,700 barrels of lime at Cattle Pt. 1911.
UNION: Bark with 600 t. of coal, Capt. A. W. Berry en route Anacortes to S.J. Is. 10 Feb. 1891.